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317-531-5447! Advantages of Hiring the Best Trusted Bail Bondsman

Unlocking the Benefits of Hiring a Reliable Trusted Bail Bondsman

Advantages of Hiring the Best Trusted Bail Bondsman
Bail Bondsman

According to the Prison Policy Initiative, around 122,000 people get booked into jail in Indiana each year. It can be an incredibly confusing and stressful time if you or a loved one gets arrested. You may feel like you're scrambling around to figure out a way to get the arrested individual out of jail. You don't have to navigate the complex justice system alone. Working with a trusted bail bondsman in Indianapolis, Indiana to get a surety bond or another type of bond is an easy way to release your loved one from jail. They'll provide you with numerous opportunities to help get your loved one out of jail. This blog will discuss the advantages of working with an Indiana bondsman. We'll also go over "what is bail bondsman" so you can make an educated decision for yourself and your family.

Get Out of Jail Fast

The process of bonding out of jail can be time-consuming for the average person not working with a bondsman in Indianapolis. There is a lot of paperwork to complete after the bail hearing. The court and police need to sign off on the individual's release, in addition to following other legal processes.

Most people aren't well versed in how this process works. A local bail bondsman has experience with the court system. They'll know how to properly fill out the relevant paperwork and get your loved one out of jail as soon as possible. Keep in mind that bail bond agents don't play a part in trial outcomes or bail decisions. They're available to simplify the process and help get their clients out of jail faster.

Available at Any Time

Arrests can happen at any time. The last thing you want to encounter is countless closed offices when you're looking for help getting your loved one out of jail. Many agents offer 24-hour bail bonds services. Being available anytime you need help ensures you can contact them whenever you need them, whether it's with an issue or regarding a question. Another thing to look for in a reputable bail bond company is holiday bail bonding services. While everyone deserves to enjoy their holidays, you want to work with a company that's available during those times.

Numerous Bond Options Available

Not all types of bonds are created equal when it comes to posting bail. The type of bond you choose depends on your financial situation and personal preferences.

Surety Bond

A surety bond is a common choice for releasing a person from jail. These bonds include providing the bail bond company with a form of collateral for the bail amount. In return, the bondsman pays the arrested individual's bail in full.

The client doesn't only give collateral to the bondsman. They're also usually required to pay them 10% of the total bail amount as well. Examples of collateral they can provide include:

  • Property deeds

  • Jewelry

  • Assets

Look for a company that offers 8% bail bonds. This means you'll have to pay less upfront than you would with other companies. You'll receive the same great customer service, but don't have to come up with as much money upfront.

You may be asking yourself, "Do bondsmen take credit cards?" The answer is yes, most companies do take credit cards.

Advantages of Hiring the Best Trusted Bail Bondsman
Bail Bondsman

Cash Bond

Loved ones of the arrested person can pay their bail in full with their cash. However, if the individual doesn't show up for any of their court dates, the court will keep the full amount of paid bail.

That's why it's recommended to pursue a surety bond when bailing someone out of jail. Some of the disadvantages of a cash bond include:

  • You run the risk of losing your money

  • The court may also take relevant fees and fines from the bond amount

  • You could get less money back

Find a Licensed and Bonded Company

You want to find a bail bond company that's bonded and licensed. This ensures they work within the boundaries of the law.

You typically hand over a large sum of money, in addition to collateral, when you That said, you'll want to feel confident they'll protect your investment and keep your loved one out of custody.

You can verify their credentials in a few ways:

  • Visiting Indiana's insurance department

  • Searching for your bail bondsman

  • Searching for regulatory websites

If you can't locate the company you're considering working with on any of these sites, you may want to explore other options.

Ensures the Individual Attends All Court Hearings

When you use a bail bond agent, they use their funds to get the defendant out of jail. They run the risk of losing their money if the individual doesn't go to their court hearings. Additionally, you could lose your collateral if you opt for a surety bond. A bail bond agent wants to make sure they get their money back once the trial is complete for the arrested person. They'll stay on top of the hearings, motivating them to go to court.

Maintain Confidentiality and Privacy

The arrested individual likely doesn't want anyone to know about their arrest, including their employer. Bail bond agents understand the importance of being discreet. This is especially important if you're facing charges that may harm your career or reputation.

Your bondsman will make sure your private information isn't unnecessarily disclosed. They'll protect your image at all costs, ensuring details about your case aren't leaked from them.

Call an Experienced Marion County Bondsman When You Need Help

Working with a professional bail bond company in Indianapolis can help you get your loved one out of jail fast and at an affordable rate. Whether you're looking for a surety bond or another option, finding a bail bondsman is essential. You want to find a company that will answer your phone after a few rings - not one where you must leave a message.

At Smith American Bail Bonds, we're an online bail bondsman here to guide you through this confusing process. Smith American Bail Bonds also provides trusted bail bondsman services in person that allow you to do the process at their locations. We're proud to offer cheap bail bonds at an 8% bail bond percentage rate. Contact us 24/7 to get connected with a "bail bonds near me."



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